max and min values are not comming
Pls check my code
hello @harshita.rathee the comparison is perfectly right but you are not taking the input to apply this comparison upon .
like you should take numbers till n is valid or you should take input by array and then apply this comparison on array only .
Happy Learning !!
i have made changes in your code and now it is giving the correct output .
thank you…
but it does not work in my command prompt.
while it does work in the coding blocks IDE.
any specific reason for that?
@harshita.rathee i use online coding blocks ide only .
so here i dont have any idea about why it is now working .
but is it that this does work in the ide cause they require a separate input and output file.
in text editors yes it is like that .
for example in sublime first you have to build your program by pressing ctrl +b and after that yo have to execute .exe file of your code .
this can be done by using ctrl +t .
if you use sublime then can help you setting the environment properly .
hope this helps .
Happy Learning !!
thank you…