Please solve this error in code

hello @vishwajeetss861999 could you please elaborate your doubt .
because you have raised the doubt in knapsack problem and your code is different .
could you please confirm in which question you have doubt ?

the given link above id for the knapsack problem

hello @vishwajeetss861999 i havemade correction and now it is giving output .
Happy Learning !!

can you copy paste the code here i cant find the correction


using namespace std;

int profit(int n,int c,int *wt,int pri[])



    return 0;

    int ans=0;

    int inc,exc;

    inc =exc=0;

    if (wt[n-1]<=c)


inc = pri[n-1]+profit (n-1,c-wt[n-1],wt,pri);


    exc= profit (n-1,c,wt,pri);

    ans= max(inc,exc);

    return ans;


int main()


int wt[]={1,2,3,5};

int prices[]={40,20,30,100} ;

int n=4;

int c=7;

cout <<profit(n,c,wt,prices)<<endl;

return 0;
