Optimal binary string recursion

not able to understand this…can you provide me the code…or any another video

hey @dreamerekta
first try to place 0 or 1 at starting and call recursion to slove

now in recursion

// base case:
if (n == K) 
		// terminate binary string 
		str[n] = '\0' ; 
		cout << str << "\n"; 
		return ; 

in recursive case you have to place 0 or 1 and call the recursion again

if previous character is '1' then we put 
only 0 at end of string 
example str = "01" then new string be "010" 

if previous character is '0' than we put 
both '1' and '0' at end of string 
example str = "00" then new string "001" and "000" 

complete code

i hope this helps
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Continuing the discussion from Optimal binary string recursion:

for any value of n, total binary strings will be 2^n. thus from 2^n strings, pick each string and check whether it has consecutive 1’s or not


using namespace std;

int cnt = 0;

bool consecutiveOnes(int i){


    int no = i>>1;

    if(i&1 == 1 && no&1 == 1){

        return false;


    i = i>>1;


return true;


int binary_strings(int n){

int len = pow(2,n);

for(int i = 0;i < len;i++){





return cnt;


int main(){

int n;



return 0;


I know this is not the best optimised way to solve this question, but keeping in mind that no such big constraints are there, this can work