OpenCV and YOLO doubt

Can you tell me how to approach this task?

hey @rishitagoel13 ,
yolo is is a object detection model technique. Yolo V3 is one of its model.

SO , what you need to do in this is , you need to over each and every frame of a video, predict on each frame using yolo model.
and see which frames has the highest number of objects in them

based on that you need to store those timestamps of those resulted frames.

How can I capture every keyframe and how can I get timestamp of those and save it as file?

If you can help me with a some snippet code?

i dont have any such snippet or something with me for now, need to work on it to get it.

if you learn a bit about yolov3 , then there are functions to help you getting this done.
You can learn about them.