Numbers in pi (dp)


please tell what is the mistake

hi. pls share the ques link.

Hi the website is a paid service so link won’t work but I have attached the photo that’s all there is to it in the website (all details of question are there in the photo itself)

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Can u explain ur approach. what u are exactly trying to do. Ur code is currently giving some weird output
314159265 35897932384626433832 314159265358979323846 26433 8 -2147483648

I’m trying to find all the possible prefixes of the string which exists in the vector

as you can see these are the numbers in the vector, which my code is able to print, the task of the question is to make minimum cuts possible each time I make a cut I send the remaining string in the recursive call, and I’m also storing the minimum distance,

I don’t understand how I’m getting this in the output because the cuts have been made

So this problem is similar to
u can once go through this code

I think the code is almost working but the only problem is that the value of minCount is not changing,
in this case count itself is returning the correct value.

hi if the if(count < minCount) is true mincount will surely upadate

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