Not getting The Great Accuracy

Can You please tell why i am not getting the best accuracy as i have applied Data augmentation also but still getting only 60% accuracy on validation data.

Can please Anyone tell?

hey @sambher_shubham ,
there are many things that you can work , which might help in increasing your score.

  1. Always check the model training graphs to get an idea about whether model has learned or not.
  2. Try more augmentations like rotation ,slipping ,brightness , contrast ,shift etc.
  3. As your input size is small then you need to work on your model very much to make it perform better.
  4. Try lower learning rate and more number of epochs .
  5. Its not necessary to use 4 convolution layers , maybe more than can work or may be less too. So you need to experiment that too.

Try these , i hope this helps you :slightly_smiling_face:.

How can I change my learning rate?

I have tried advanced augmentation also but the result is same.

from keras.optimizers import Adam

In this way you can use Adam class object and use its lr parameter to use custom learning rate.

If that is so , then you may need to work to find more data or try transfer learning. Search about it first if you don’t know about it.