Not able to train my network

I used label encoder to change strings to integers but when I supply the input to network it shows loss as very large negative number. I used sigmoid activation for output and relu for hidden nodes.

Hey @ankur_shuklauR9, you need to use linear/relu as activation for output layer as well. Sigmoid is used in binary classification.

Still not working, I have 2 layers with 32 nodes each. Input shape is (77,) and I am using relu activation for all layers.

Hey @ankur_shuklauR9, share your ipynb after uploading it on google drive.

Hey @ankur_shuklauR9, you are passing wrong loss function, it should be ‘mse’ and not 'binary_crossentropy

Still not working :frowning:

Hey @ankur_shuklauR9, that is due to the reason that mse loss would be quite large and weights backpropagated are at more verge of gradient exploding. Try out different loss function like ‘mean_cross_percentage_entropy’ etc.

You need to try out various functions to get to the final solution.

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