Not able to approach this question

i am not able to solve this question.please guide me…and please suggest me solution that neither include dynamic programing nor oops concept.

@Coder9124 Hi, A question which requires dynamic programming paradigm can only be solved through dp obviously. This question is a clear dynamic programming question and can be solved by dp only because it is a clear combinatorial optimization problem.

Just what you have to do is think of a recursive approach first.

I am explaining the question to you.

Actually the question says that you have to generate the string of size n given m is the length of given string
Where m<=n

Now you have to generate a bracket string which is balanced
By adding a prefix and suffix string to given string s
Now the prefix string should have opening brackets greater than closing brackets, because the string should be overall be balanced.

For example if you are given s = β€œ))” and n = 6(m = 2 obviously) then you can generate following pairs of a and b to make a+s+b a valid sequence:

β€œ()((” β€œ))” β€œβ€ // Remeber a and b can be blank also.
β€œ((” β€œ))” β€œ()”
β€œ(((” β€œ))” β€œ)”
β€œ(()(” β€œ))” β€œβ€
β€œ((()” β€œ))” β€œβ€

Hence, the ans for this testcase is 5. If there is no possible combination then print -1.

Now try it first, if have any doubt lemme know.