Negative Numbers

How to solve if the input array contains negative numbers?

hello @Jagrit there is no need to think if the number will be negative what we have to do.
compiler itself will consider negative number as different .

Okay but I meant how we can deal if negative number in bits. Suppose array is [-2,-2,-2,-4]. How to solve this?

@Jagrit negative number have their own binary representation .
suppose 2 and -2 have their different binary representation .
suppose they are represented by the 8bit number then in the negative MSB is always 1 and in the positive numbers the MSB is always 0.
please see the images below for better understanding.
binary-bin7 binary-bin8
i hope i have cleared your doubt .
Happy Learning !!

Thank you very much. Can you provide me with the code where negative cases are handled? and how we can check how many bits number it is?

@Jagrit here for your referance i am attaching the code
please go through it and try to understand it.
please let me know if you dont understand anything inthis code .
i hope i have cleared your doubt .
Happy Learning !!

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Happy Learning !!

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