Is the given sample test case correct?
I think my code is correct and its giving ans as 130 for the 3rd test case but ans provided is 120.
Also on submitting the code its giving wrong answer verdict.
Minimum time traversal problem
Test case 3 is right
You go from 20,20 -> 25, 25 -> 30,30 -> 35,35 -> 50,50 -> 100,100
The pipelines are bidirectional
Please modify your code accordingly
It wasn’t mentioned about bidirectional I guess. Okay got it. Thank you If I consider the bidirectional property also then how to consider choosing the pipelines in any order to get min time?
You will need to apply BFS till you reach destination
BFS from any position to unvisited left, right, top and down
Okay will try. Thank you!
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