Merge Two sorted array without extra space

Question link:-

Code link:-

Here’s my code for the given question. I have used gapping technique but the problem arises when I am not able to sort the second array. First array always gets sorted. Please, help!

hello @div_yanshu07

these lines will not give u ceil because gap is int, ceil of int is same number.
do this
int gap=(n+m)/2 + (n+m)%2 ;
no need of any ceil function now

Now it’s giving more incorrect output. You can look for yourself

GFG judgement;-
“For Input:
4 5
1 3 5 7
0 2 6 8 9
your output is:
1 0 2 3 5 7 6 8 9”

a) image

here also u need to take ceil

b)also u missed one case.
where both elements are from second array.

Handled 'em but now getting TLE.

check now->

Thankyou so much! It works now.

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