Maximun element in every window

can you please explain the logic. I am unable to get it ??

hello @ashwani225
Algorithm :

  1. Create a deque to store k elements.
  2. Run a loop and insert first k elements in the deque. While inserting the element if the element at the back of the queue is smaller than the current element remove all those elements and then insert the element.
  3. Now, run a loop from k to end of the array.
  4. Print the front element of the array
  5. Remove the element from the front of the queue if they are out of the current window.
  6. Insert the next element in the deque. While inserting the element if the element at the back of the queue is smaller than the current element remove all those elements and then insert the element.
  7. Print the maximum element of the last window.

refer this dry run of algorithm ,this might help u understand the logic better.

video editorial by prateek bhaiya->