Maximum subarray sum

code that bhaiya has explained , which is not working in case of all -ve element

@sk3657860 yes you have to check that case manually . its the drawback of kadane algorithm .
hope its clear if yes dont forget to hit like and mark resolved :smiley:

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int cs=arr[0]>0?arr[0]:0;
int ms=arr[0];
for(int i=0;i<3;i++){

i have tried , it’s working

is it fine ?
or anything i am missing ?

int arr[]={-3,-2,-5};

@sk3657860 when all negative ans will be max element in the array in this case -2 . no need to do anything just print max element

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ooh great thank you so much

@sk3657860 np just mark it resolved :smiley: