Max sum path code help


it is not passing all testcases

@asaurabh_26 are u there?

yes i am seeing your code now

i have done serval things but using that approach some testcase are failing

use this code

ll ans;

ll maxSum(Node *root)
    if(root == NULL)
    return INT_MIN;
    ll l1 = maxSum(root->left);
    ll l2 = maxSum(root->right);
    if(!(root->left == NULL || root->right == NULL))
    ans = max(ans,l1 + l2 + (root->data));
    if(l1 == INT_MIN && l2 == INT_MIN)
    return (root->data);
    return (max(l1,l2) + (root->data));

int maxPathSum(Node* root)
    ans = INT_MIN;
    // code here  
    ll v = maxSum(root);
    return ans;

bro i cannot understand what u did, can u explain in briefly why was not the code above was not working , and what did u do in this code?

try to understand this code

first call for left and right half
and then make 3 case

if(root->left && root->right)
   // both left and right exists
        ans = max(ans,left + right + (root->data));

if(root->left==NULL && root->right==NULL)
     // leaf node case
        return (root->data);

// in rest of the cases
        return (max(left,right) + (root->data));

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