Do you have any classifier for Nose. The downloaded one doesn’t work. And i tried several files from 3rd party websites. those also not working. Please share the classifier do you have if any.
Make Snapchat like Filters
hey @kannan ,
i guess the haarcascades provided work well.
Can you please let me know , on what opencv version and python version are your working on.
Because we have found many issues with some opencv versions.
Thank You .
Python: 3.8.2
hey @kannan,
I would request you to kindly lower your opencv and python versions.
opencv = 3.4.+
python = 3.6 or 3.7
This will make your task work.
if you have done then please send your code
hey @shruti1215 ,
Sorry shruti , firstlly toh i don’t have that code , and secondly if i would have too , then too i couldn’t provide you with it. So , sorry.