Main Function(string[] args)?

what does string[] args means in public static Main (string[] args)?


String[] args: stores Java command line arguments and is an array of type String class.

Here, the name of the String array is args but it is not fixed and user can use any name in place of it.

Yo Harshul Jain,
I will describe complete information about this line public static void main(String[] args).
public =JVM can call from anywhere else.
static=JVM call this main method without creating an object.
void=main method does not return anything to JVM.
main=this is where all code in JVM.
(string[] args)=string one-dimensional argument(i will explain this by an example).
suppose you are in the c directory and you want to open the notepad you type
c:/Notepad(it open notepad).
now argument here
c:/ Notepad my .txt(it will open notepad with checking my.txt file if not in notepad it create.
(my.txt is an argument.)
so here java takes the argument as a string that is one-dimensional. ok​:blush::blush: