Linear Regression using sklearn

If we have a Linear Regression in scikit learn then do we have to write the algo from scratch everytime or can we just use the model directly and get results? Will the accuracy and computing time be same using sklearn or not?

hey @rishitagoel13 ,
why do you learn 2+2 , if you can directly use calculator to do that ???

its the same thing, yeah sure you can use sklearn , and yeah you will use it , but its more important to learn and understand the concepts , hence for that reason we need that.

So, there is no problem in using sklearn directly right?

hey @rishitagoel13 ,
yeah there is no such problem in it .

But you need to understand concepts also.
so if you are confident on concepts , then you can go ahead with library

What method does sklearn use to calculate the parameters(theta)?

sklearn also uses the same methods, its just the way it is made, variable it declares and all calculation are done are faster , hence you see some speed difference.

if you are curious , read there github.

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