Largest string by using 2 d array

i tried to solve this question by writing the 2 d array nd my code is -

using namespace std;
void largest_string(char arr[][1000], int N);
int main()
char arr[100][1000];
int N;
for(int row = 0; row<N; ++row)
cin.getline(arr[row], 1000);
largest_string(arr, N);
return 0;
void largest_string(char arr[][1000], int N)
int x, y = INT_MIN;
for(int row = 0; row<N; ++row)
cout<<"The max length among the strings is "<<y<<endl<<"that string is "<<endl<<arr[x]<<endl;

this is not giving me the desirable answer .
what is wrong in this code???

Here’s the updated code, Brother :

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sahi to h answer!!
what is the problem

sir its okay now this program is working but sir what was wrong in my code??
can’t we use strlen function inside if condition
i wrote -
but in ur code rather than writing strlen u assingned its value to len nd u wrote -

maam it is showing this

@pushkar24sharma: strlen() returns an unsigned integer type.

you have taken a signed value of ‘y’ (-ve here).

This ‘y’ gets converted to an unsigned integer (while comparison ) which could be a very large value and hence it threw an error.

so, a better approach would be to take y=0 and not y= INT_MIN.

also, we know the length of a string will never be negative ( strlen( ) >=0 :slight_smile: )

updated code : :slight_smile:

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where can i help u
are u a TA?
i am confused!!!

@prateek_5 okay thank u sir

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@chhavibansal thank u maam. my doubt is resolved

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Pushkar asked the doubt to which I replied.

No, I am not a TA.

I am sorry to make you confused @chhavibansal .

i was pretty confused
great that now that doubt has been answered