Kruskal algorithm

segmentation fault occur

It is probably because you have defines unite function after the solve function. And you have not made a function declaration.

i have made changes but still it showing segmentation fault

plzz correct my code

Can you give me the questions link? I’ll try submitting this

sir, it’s from video in a course

How did you know that this is giving a segmentation fault. I do not see any will in the code

try to run it bro in coading block ide

Haven’t you tried submitting it somewhere. Sometimes there are problems with the ide.

but sir output to ana chaiyee na???

same error occur in other compiler too

Okay let me go through in detail

ok sir i think there is a problem in a loop and also explain why in the video we take init(n+1) for 1 indexing and for zero indexing he take init(n) and subtract every vertex by 1 try to explain the logic behind this indexing in union find algorithm

For 1 based indexing we want our values from 1to n inclusive. So it array size must be n+1. Similarly you can understand for zero based indexing

ohk sir got it thanku It is not giving a segmentation fault now. You initialized the parent array with size n but were accessing par[n].
SO always keep the size of all the arrays and vectors as n+5 atleast.