Kruscal's Code Doubt

If I want to pass the comparator function in the sort function then how to write it ?

hello @avijuneja2007
u need to write ur own compare function and then pass that function in sort function.

check this article->

In this code I have not created any edge class. So how to write the compare function for vector<vector> edges(m) ?

bool cmp( vector< int > a, vector< int > b ){
here ur comparision logic

what will be the comparison logic as I have not made any edge class in my code ?

u have used vector ,so u need to compare two vector.
and in vector u have stored weight at index 0 so basically u need to compare 0th index of two vector.

bool cmp( vector< int > a, vector< int > b ){
return a[0] <= b[0]; // sort in increasing order of weight

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