I didnt get the part when the reset table is filled and last index of reset table is filled with 2… as the index of reset table represents the last index of prefix match with the suffix…and in the reset table at the last there is no match but still we have filled it with 2
KMP algorihtm concept doubt
it should be 0
it seems
i guess it has been written by mistake
no in the video itself the mentor told us the reason why is it 2…but i didnt get the reason they explained
basically since we can reach at index 2 so there we put value 2
Ma’am please see my this doubt…no one is replying in this one…! it’s since a long time i had posted this doubt…!
bro i tried debugging it comparing to original video code 3 times but not modification is helping
and also code available on net are not producing the desirer result
sorry i cant help