Ispalindrome problem testcase 0

you should check test case-0, it’s generating correct output in my ide as i have downloaded the test cases it’s working fine, but the time of submitting it’s showing test case-0 failed.
fix this issue, as it’s correct.

Hi @pradeep.mahato.cs.2015,
I will report to coding blocks however to my knowledge test cases are shuffled so if it shows test case 1 failed then there is a possibility that instead of test case 1 any other test case failed. So please check all the test cases

i have checked the output with each input cases, this problem is occuring with tes case -0, also i have run the editorial code, again it’s failing with that too.

Yes i have already reported to admin department about the issue . It will be resolved soon. Your code is correct.

Thanks D, it’s working fine now