Incorrect output

I have created csv file as stated in the challenge chris
norris challenge but it still shows incorrect output . plz check why my output is incorrect.

Hey @kartik321, can you please share your csv file by uploading it on google drive and sharing the link over here ?

Thanks ! :slight_smile:

this is the link of my csv file. plz check

Hey @kartik321, why have you just created a csv file of 14-15 jokes ?? You need to extract jokes corresponding to all the ids given in the ID.csv file.

I hope this helps !
Happy Learning :slight_smile:

A sample file of ids 97 to 109 are given , so will i have to extract jokes from 97-109 ids and write them in csv file?

ohh ok i got it
thanks !!!

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I hope I have resolved your doubt !
Please mark the doubt as resolved in your doubts section :+1:
Happy Learning :slight_smile:

I am getting error in this. plz help

Hey @kartik321, please raise a new doubt for this issue. I would be happy to help !

Thanks ! :slight_smile: