In the final update rule, why m

why are we taking the mean here,in the final update rule, our task it to only find the sum,why do we divide by m and why the mean

hey @sankalparora5 ,
we use mean values of total errors because we need to maintain proper learning of our model to reach convergence faster.
If you remember the gradient descent curve , we need to reach the optimum value with as much as information we can learn.
It’s not that we cannot perform taking mean, we can do it. But the weights will fluctuate a lot while updating them , sometimes the values can even a lot higher than the required ones. Sometimes , there can be chance that the overall error sum comes to very small there is almost no updation .
To counter these things , we generally take mean as a convention .

You can surely try without it. You can make as many experiments you want.
I hope this helped you understand.
Thank You. :slightly_smiling_face: .

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