In multinomial naive bayes

in the formula the probability of a word is multiplied as much as the frequency it has. Doesn’t that make the probability more lower? But in according to me the probability should increase with increase in frequency of a spam term. Please clarify.

Hey @light007, really sorry for replying you late. Now let me explain you this :
You are right that the probability of the word is multiplied as much as the frequency it has. Now even though it makes the probability more lower, we need to keep in mind the main task we need to perform. Our main task is to compare it with the other class. Like if it makes the probability small, then both the probabilities of spam as well not-spam will be small. But our final answer will depend on which value is higher. For best understanding see this example. Once you would see the example you would realise that how the naive approach is so powerful.

Hope this helps you !
Happy Learning :slight_smile: