Importing class

i am importing a class from module in a package and the prgram is working fine but the line in where i call the class it shows the warning that it is not callable

Hello, can you pls show me the code of both files , the one which you are calling and from where you are calling it.
Thanks :slight_smile:
Happy Coding !!

how should i share it

You can share it here by writing the file name above and then the code below it or you can mail me at [email protected]

class Sorting:
def init(self, array):
self.array = array

def bubble_sort(self):
    for nof in range(len(self.array) - 1):
        for idx in range(0, len(self.array) - nof - 1):
            if self.array[idx + 1] < self.array[idx]:
                temp = self.array[idx + 1]
                self.array[idx + 1] = self.array[idx]
                self.array[idx] = temp

def selection_sort(self):
    for nof in range(len(self.array) - 1):
        temp_min_idx = nof
        for idx in range(nof + 1, len(self.array)):
            if self.array[idx] < self.array[temp_min_idx]:
                temp_min_idx = idx
        temp = self.array[nof]
        self.array[nof] = self.array[temp_min_idx]
        self.array[temp_min_idx] = temp

def insertion_sort(self):
    for nof in range(1, len(self.array)):
        temp = nof - 1
        while temp >= 0 and self.array[temp] > self.array[temp + 1]:
            val = self.array[temp]
            self.array[temp] = self.array[temp + 1]
            self.array[temp + 1] = val
            temp -= 1

def merge_sort_recursively(self):
    lo = 0
    hi = len(self.array) - 1

    def generate(lo, hi):
        if lo == hi:
            return [self.array[lo]]
        mid = lo + (hi - lo) // 2
        return merge_tow_sorted_array(generate(lo, mid), generate(mid + 1, hi))

    def merge_tow_sorted_array(l1, l2):
        idx1 = 0
        idx2 = 0
        l3 = []
        while idx1 < min(len(l1), len(l2)) and idx2 < min(len(l1), len(l2)):
            if l1[idx1] <= l2[idx2]:
                idx1 += 1
                idx2 += 1
        while idx1 < len(l1):
            idx1 += 1
        while idx2 < len(l2):
            idx2 += 1
        return l3

    return generate(lo, hi)

from Sorting import Sorting

l1 = [2, 5, 1, 3, 9, 0]
my_sort = Sorting(l1)
ans = my_sort.merge_sort_recursively()

Hey, your code is working fine I tried this on sublime text editor and no warning is there. I hope you are using pycharm editor sometimes it also gives useless warnings.
Btw your code is alright and no issue is there.

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