Imdb accuracy is very less

my model accuracy is just 49%. how to improve?

Hey @Aashi-Agarwal-2380268668952871 ,
kindly provide view to all access to above link , i am not able access the code link.

hey my model accuracy is too low. thiss is the link

hey @Aashi-Agarwal-2380268668952871 ,

Processing data looks good but you need to pay more attention on model structure ,optimizer used and the activation functions used with proper loss function.
You have used the same number of hidden nodes for a adjacent hidden layers ( 1 - > 16 and 2 -> 16 ) , this way between these two layers the model will not learn much information. To correct it reduce the number of node to around 4-8 in second layer.
The data you are providing in very sparse , hence use dropout layers in between.
Generally ,adam optimizer works best on most of the programs, have a try over it.

I hope these suggestions would work for improving your accuracy.
Have a try on them , if still the accuracy doesn’t improve.
will suggest you something else.

Thank You.
Happy Learning :slightly_smiling_face: .

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