I got error in my code

Based on this project I had tried to build a book recommendation system on “Book crossing Dataset” but i got error while using pivot_table function.The error message displayed is “Unstacked DataFrame is too big, causing int32 overflow”. Please help me to fix this error.

hey @Shashitarwey ,
the book crossing dataset is very large as compared to book recommendation system.
and hence when you are trying to create a pivot table out of it , it crashes and raises an error , saying dataype overflow.
You can try lowering your datatype to int16 or int8 using numpy. But i guess you need to find other ways to deal with such dataset.

Thank You and Happy Learning :slightly_smiling_face:.

ok sir i will after converting the datatype to int8 ot int16

Sir I have one more question. Can i get some guidance if I participated in a Al/ML Hackathon going on Hackerearth

hey @Shashitarwey ,
yeah sure.

Though it would be much better if you can raise another doubt for that , asking about places you are stuck at.