I couldn't figure out why 1 test case is failing?

hello @aryan_007
use // for integer division ,and remove that int function
to convert floating point number back to integer.

Yes sir , it worked but one doubt that ‘/’ did the float division and then we converted to int , what was problem in it , It should also do the same thing naa ??

yeah it should , actually i had faced similar situations before so told u make the changes.
the possible reason that i think should is that int fails for very big numbers.

But sir , i searched on Stack overflow , it said that int limit was in Python 2.7 but their is no int limit in Python 3

i m talking about int() function not about range of int that python support.
check this ->
int is not working properly

Okayyy sir , thank you soo much , just one more doubt how you send that screenshot , i also sometimes want to send the screenshot but couldn’t figure out why ??

i also dont know , i just do ctrl c ,ctrl v :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But sir Ctrl c , ctrl v don’t work on windows , may be you are using mac

i m using windows only,
and for screenshot sharing i m using windows snipping tool.
just cut the portion u want to share , click on copy button present there , and paste it wherever u want to share.

Sir , everything goes fine , i snip the image , copy it but couldn’t paste it on the reply tab here : (

i m having this type of interface
and here copy paste is working.
use this ->http://discuss.codingblocks.com/

Yes , sir Thank you so much sir , this platform is more convenient than that which i was using and i didn’t knew about it . Thank you soooo much sir , if i had option i would have given 10 stars to you sir !! :yum: