I am unable to understand what is wrong in this code

import java.util.;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class Main {
static HashSet set = new HashSet<>();
static boolean flag = false;
static long getCount(long n , long total , long i, long height)
return 0;
if((i+1-(long)Math.pow(2,height)) == n-1)
flag = true;
return 1;
long ans2 = 0;
long ans1 = getCount(n, total, 2
i+1,height + 1);
if(flag == false)
ans2 = getCount(n, total, 2*i+2, height +1);
return 1+ans1+ans2;
public static void main(String args[]) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
int t = sc.nextInt();
int h = sc.nextInt();
long n = sc.nextLong();
long i = 0;
long total = (long)Math.pow(2, h+1);
flag = false;



@s9868121001 Can you explain your approach a bit.

Hey @s9868121001
Please paste your code on CB IDE and send it once. Some code is often lost when pasted directly. https://cb.lk/ide

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