I am not able to get any idea ,how to approach this question

how to do it with till what i we have studied in launchpad programm ( i.e Loops)

hi @mahroosanwar0901_2642b14836027bbf
Inverse is basically inverting the places of any number with its value.

For e.g…,
Before Inverse

  • Places --> 5 4 3 2 1
  • Value —> 3 2 1 4 5

After Inverse

  • Places --> 5 4 3 2 1
  • Value —> 1 2 5 4 3

1.Declare a Place variable that will keep track of the place number for which we are processing the work.
2.The value can be extracted by performing modulus operator on the given number.
3.In order to inverse the place and the number extracted in points 1 and 2 multiply the place with 10 ^ (rem - 1).
For e.g…, Place = 4 and rem = 3, then multiply place with 100 viz, ( 10 ^ (rem - 1)). 4.Add the number to the previous ans.

refer this code -->

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Thanks, I want to know one more thing, can I read editorial after successful submission just to know another approach for a particular problem. so it will leads deduction in points or not

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hi @mahroosanwar0901_2642b14836027bbf
yes, once u have successfully submitted the code, u can open editorial… but if u do it before then u wont get any points…

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