How to solve this kind of question I tried pyramid method

how to solve this kind of question I tried pyramid method please help

Hey @sutirtharoy, in questions like these, you need to carefully observe and find out some pattern so that you can code easily. I would request you to try it out yourself first. If you don’t see any pattern in the question, then please let me know. I’ll give you more hints.
Hint 1 : Questions like these are just a matter of nested for loops and finding patterns in every row and column.

I hope this helps ! :+1:
Happy coding ! :smile:

I have already submitted a solution please that once

Hey @sutirtharoy, I don’t have access to the solutions you guys submit. I request you to upload your code on google drive and share the link with me here. Or you can also give the coding blocks online IDE link directly.

Thanks ! :+1:

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