How to handle negative intergers

if the integers are negative then how do we handle those integers and boundary cases like for this integer -2147483648.

@Marr_iss its only for positive numbers. if you want something that work with +ve too just store the freq of number in map and where freq==1 print it
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I tried to solve this problem in leetcode. In that problem, some of the cases had negative integers, its true that this can be solved using a map but, is there any workaround so that the same bitwise solution can be extended to pass the negative integer cases. I tried one hack by checking beforehand that if a no is negative then I reserved one bit at the 64th index for the sign and then I took the absolute value of this integer to applied the bitwise solution, this approach worked for few negative integers but for INT_MIN it failed. is there any workaround for this special case.?

@Marr_iss well i cant think of a way other than storing all no bits in 2d array or in built in bitset but you can google for a way

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