How to get higher accuracy

how to get more accuracy as I get an accuracy of 96% but in the leaderboard, some got an accuracy of 99% and when I tried with 1000 Epox then I got 96% accuracy and when I tried with 3000 Epox then also I get 96% accuracy

Hey @Jan19LPN0013, make sure you have normalized the data before training the model.
(Also don’t forget to normalize test data as well with mean and std from training data).

Hope this resolved your doubt.
Plz mark the doubt as resolved in my doubts section. :blush:

I have normalized training data. but I don’t know how to normalize test data with mean and std of training data please explain?

Hey @Jan19LPN0013, use u = x_train.mean(axis = 0) and std = x_train.std(axis = 0), than after loading test data in x_test, use
x_test = (x_test - u )/ std.

Hope this resolved your doubt.
Plz mark the doubt as resolved in my doubts section. :blush:

but why we should take mean of train data in test data and one more thing which mean we have to take 1: before nomalization of x_train
2: after normalization of x_train
which mean we have to take

Hey @Jan19LPN0013, we have to take mean and std before normalizing training data.

why we should take mean of train data in test data?

Hey @Jan19LPN0013, See this and surely you will get the idea,

Hope this resolved your doubt.
Plz mark the doubt as resolved in my doubts section. :blush: