here at 1 : 10 sec , it is mentioned that if we want to calculate the distance between the point & plane we just put the point in the equation & we will get the distance of it . but this is absolutely wrong . by putting the point on the we can only get to know on which side of the line point lies. Assuming W vector is in the direction of the positive point so any point which is in the same direction of W will evaluate to some + ve value not to distance of the point from that plane.
and if it is like this that we are getting the distance then i think our objective must be equal maximizing the distance so that distance between +ve & -Ve point can be maximized…
but in reality i think logistic egression algo is just trying to classify maximum number of points correctly by which i mean to say that … if W(WX + b =0) is pointing towards +ve points then y[i](W*X[i] + b) > 0 where y[i] can take either value as +1(for positive point) and -1(for -ve points)
hope my understanding is correct ?