Here are my doubts in the quiz

1)What is the meaning of outliers? (What is meant by sensitivity to outliers?)
2)What is meant by residuals?
3)A point for the slope of least squares regression line for all pairs in the population is - didn’t understand
4)Which of the following methods do we use to find the best fit line for data in Linear Regression? – answer also includes maximum
likelihood but thats used for logistic regression?

Hey @nikhil_sarda,

outliers are the point in training data, which have wrong values due to human error or machine error etc while collecting data. Sensitivity to outliers means, how this outliers affects the model.

Residuals is the difference between the predicted values from the model and actual values,

Question is little ambiguous and needs to be corrected, asked the mentor to look into this.

Actually for every problem we want to increase the maximum likelihood either it is linear or logistic. There is complete derivation for that as well, You could find our here So its correct as well.

Hope this resolved your doubt.
Plz mark the doubt as resolved in my doubts sectoin. :blush: