Have a doubt in generic views and how to use context?

Have a doubt in generic views and how to use context?

Hello Pradhyumna, See these django theory is totally depends upon views/models/urls and the data flow as well. So generic views are the views that are used to connect the url with the templates and we can call the models do some functions on them and can show them through the templates.
So in templates if we need to pass the information we can use the context method. It is like dictionary and in this we need to pass on the fields or the entities and in the templates we can use them.
I hope it is clear to you. In case it is clear to you pls mark it as resolve and provide the rating as well as feedback so that we can improve ourselves.
In case there is still some confusion pls let me know, I will surely try to help you out.
Thanks :slight_smile:
Happy Coding !!