Hashtable Create

Not run my code.

@faizan_1402 bro it will not run on ide as hashtable.h is not present to make hashtable.h and in same folder this code

Ok this is my hastable,h file so please check my code not run

@faizan_1402 there are many factors like name should be same and it should be .h file also present in same folder and all.
first do it in one cpp file only if it works then try making diff file .h

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Which are name same type?

like file should be saved as hashtable.h and in cpp file include that file

Bro already saved thease file but i ‘m not found my mistake so please check my code
i’ m save same folder two file hashtable.cpp and hashtable.h both are file save same folder but showing error hashtable not declare

And correct my code these lines i’m mistake

@faizan_1402 change the cpp file name to something else and here is the correct hashtable.h

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Thank you bro run code…