********hash map ques

there was a queston in which we have to return count of duplicates
we are given a vector of names, weight and price
for example
name {bat,bag,golf,golf,golf}
weight {2,3,1,1,1}
price {5,6,2,8,2}

hashmap would look like
bat 2 5
bag 3 6
golf 1 2
golf 1 8
golf 1 2

output = 2
what is wrong in this function https://ideone.com/3x8aln

@ayu2321 use map and make key as pair<string,pair<int,int>> as using key duplicates can be found easily

will this work?
int duplicates(vectorname, vectorweight, vectorprice){
for(int i=0;i<name.size();i++){

    if(m.find(name[i].first)!=m.end() && name[i].second)!=m.end()){
for(auto p: m){
return count;


@ayu2321 in unordered map you can’t make key as pair but in map you can

rest is the code fine?

make map of that type
then when you input lets say
golf 1 2
do mp[golf 1 2]++
then iterate on it and keep storing maximum as max( maximum,it.second)

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