Hardwork Pays Off

Accuracy come in negative value. i just follow the session and write the code. And my R2 score is 96.94. But i got negative value while submitting the file. Please help me to sort out the problem.

hey @kannan ,
accuracy shouldn’t have come negative.
Can you please share me a link to your code file so that i can debug and check it whats the error.

Thank You :slightly_smiling_face:.

please check and let me know the issue

hey @kannan ,
first thing the metric being used is not accuracy, its R2-Score.
So, its actually your R2 score that is coming negative.

And i just saw your code too , you haven’t implemented code that trains your model you are roughly just initializing the values and using them directly for final predictions.
have a look here , i have updated your code

i guess this would help achieve better score.
Thank You and Happy Learning :slightly_smiling_face:.