Handling 2 pointer

Ma’am here why we use 2 pointer… Can I do it using only one pointer I.e., head only to add element at last in the linked list?


Yes you can do it using only the head node to add element at last in the Linked List but it will be a computationally expensive operation. Because everytime you need to add a node, you will have to traverse the entire Linked List first and then add the node.

For example you have a linked list of size 1000, and you want to add a new element at last. Now you will have to traverse the entire Linked List and only when you reach the 1000th element you can add a new element.

2 pointer approach makes it simpler and the entire operation because computationally cheaper because now you simply need to add a new node after the tail node and update the tail node. You don’t have to traverse the entire Linked List.

I hope this helps, if in case you have more doubts feel free to respond to this thread. Thanks! :smile: