In the below code,
faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray_frame,1.3,5). why we are passing gray_frame ? opencv is able to make rectangle if I am passing frame (colored) here and what is the last argument (2) which we are passing in cv2.rectangle function?
Haarcascades classifer implementation doubt
hey @Mohit2000 ,
by default these haarcascades are trained on gray scale images , hence it is recommended to use them on gray scale images for better results. It will work on coloured images too , but results might vary.
It is the width of the line used to make a rectangle.
I hope this helped.
Okay. when i am closing the video stream by pressing the ‘q’ key, command prompt is showing that module ‘cv2.cv2’ has no attribute ‘release’
you might have done something like
v = cv2.VideoCapture()
so try doing
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