Graphviz not working

when i am trying to run my code there is some kind of error :-GraphViz’s executables not found

but I have also installed pydotplus and graphviz library still it is showing an error

hey @Jan19LPN0013 ,
kindly check that you have properly provided the graphviz bin path in your system’s environment variables. This error may be caused due to it.

i have done this thing also still it is not working

try re installing it and again setting the environment path

done this thing also still it is not working

what path have you provided in environment variables?

this path i have provided:- C:\Users\yash\Anaconda3\Library\bin\graphviz

just correct it as C:\Users\yash\Anaconda3\Library\bin\graphviz\bin
before this , confirm that there is bin folder in graphviz

no bin folder is not present in graphviz folder

hey @Jan19LPN0013 then there is some problem in your downloaded graphviz,
i would suggest you to kindly first uninstall graphviz , delete all of its files and then re install it in proper sequence the way as provided in its documentation.

hope this link helps you :

sir i am using anaconda so how i will uninstall graphviz from it as i have installed it using pip install graphviz in conda base

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