Google colaboratory


I just wanted to inquire as to why we don’t use google colab for our codes. It also provides us the same cell by cell execution like that in jupyter and also, it is faster as mentioned by Prateek Bhaiya in the video. Are there any disadvantages of using Google Colab?

Hey @A18ML0031, Google colab is used when your normal CPU takes a long time to train the model. GPU of google colab helps you to train your model faster. So google colab is more useful when you are building a model or training the model. But normal python codes would take the same time to execute on CPU(your laptop) and on Google colab (GPU). Anyways you are free to use google colab for any of the codes you want. There’s no disadvantage to it (just that you would be wasting your GPU power doing nothing) .

I hope this clears your doubt !
Please mark the doubt as resolved in your doubts section ! :+1:
Happy Learning ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Okay. Thanks for your reply. It will be better to use google colab when implementing SVM though, right?

Yes correct.

Please mark the doubt as resolved in your doubts section ! :+1:
Happy Learning ! :slight_smile: