Getting wrong answer

I am doing this question from codeforces…
This is the question…
I have solved this …pretty much with good logic… But it is showing wrong answer on test case - 2;
This is the solution…
Please look into this…

Hey @ashishnnnnn
Mentioned the changes in comments : :slight_smile:
If this resolves your query then please mark it as resolved :slight_smile:

Here … what and how you have used… i+k-2…
Can you explain this a bit… :slight_smile:

So for segment l to l+k-1 we dont have to consider extremes that is l and l+k-1
So peaksum[ l+k-2 ] contains peaks till that point and peaksum[l] containts peaks till l
Subtracting both will give peaks from l+1 to l+k-2 which is required

Yaa… Thanks…
Got THIS :slight_smile:

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