Given an array of meeting time intervals consisting of start and end times [[S1,E1],[S2,E2],…] (SI < EI), find the minimum number of party halls required.
Input Format
Take input N
Next N line consists of two space-separated integers SI and EI
Output Format
print minimum required room
Sample Input
1 4
2 5
3 6
10 11
11 12
Sample Output
My code for above
also could not understand how the editorial is working :
editorial for the same :
Party Halls(Two Pointer + Sort)
Algorithm:- Basically we have to compute the maximum number of active halls for the given start and end times on the basis of overlapping time periods.
1.Maintain two arrays namely start[ ] and end[ ] with start and end times by splitting the in[ ][ ] input array.
2.Sort the two arrays maintained in step1.
3.Initialize two variables i and j i.e start index and end index to 0.
4.Initialize two more variables c(Active party halls at instant) and max(maximum number of active halls needed) to 0. 5.If start[i] or start time < end[i] or end time, i.e we have overlapping time periods hence we have a party active. So increment c i.e active party halls and increment start index i.
6.Else time periods are not overlapping so decrement c and increment end index j.
7.Now compute the maximum between c and max to record the max number of active halls.
8.Return max.
Time Complexity:- O(nlogn) as we are sorting the start and end arrays.
Solution link: