Getting error when i start chatting with bot

when i send /start message or hi message to my bot then on terminal i got this–
Update <telegram.ext.callbackcontext.CallbackContext object at 0x0000018C9A1ED0D0> caused error ‘CallbackContext’ object has no attribute ‘message’

how to solve this?

hey @anuj_singla8 ,

if you check your python-telegram-bot version then you will get that ,
you are working on 13.+ , whereas the code in videos require the version to be 12.8
so just download that version and it will work fine.

i tried with 12.8 and still getting the same error

it shouldn’t be like that.

Okay share me your code , you are using right now and your current module version

and when i print(telegram.version) its output is 12.8

hey @anuj_singla8 ,
i checked your code , and it should run on 12.8

can you try re installing it once.