Getting compile time error in N-Queen problem

this stmt is wronf
for(row = 0 ; row < i ; row++)
hona chaiye

this correction solved the compiler issue but not getting output

comment return true in the condition when i == n
and also u have placed endl inside the 2nd for loop itself move it out of the 2nd for loop

made the changes getting output now but one output is incorrect

share q link
or handle the condition when no possible configuration is found

in that case return false
& in int main()
where u are calling the function take it in if(fncAll()){
cout <<“NO configuration”; // whatever the question has demanded
here is the link to the question so when I give 4 as input I get 3 output whereas there are only 2 correct output

this is the code

send ss of the question statement please if possible

else wait for 10 min i`ll help u by finding the question the course link is not accessible to me

u need to count no of ways
are u doing that??
u are prinitng the possible ways

I was not printing the count but if I do it I am still getting 3 not 2

this is the code for the count

N <= 11
try making board of size 11*11
refer here

no effect it is still the same

did u check out the code i sent?