For loop problem in using i functions and arthematic operators in it

i want to know what does the meaning i=i+1 thing posses also the program for the factorial of 10 ans*= meaning

Hello Pranjal, i = i + 1 means we are incrementing the value of i by 1.
So it means if my i = 5 and if i do i = i+1 then the value of i changes to 6
as i = i+1 => i = 5+1 so i = 6
And same for the multiplication operator with equal to sign.
like, a*=b means a = a*b so for addition we can also do a += b or a -= b if we want to subtract.
a *= b : a = a*b
a /= b : a = a/b
a %= b : a = a%b
a -= b : a = a-b
a += b : a = a+b
I hope it is clear to you. In case it is clear to you pls mark it as resolve and provide the rating as well as feedback so that we can improve ourselves.
In case there is still some confusion pls let me know, I will surely try to help you out.
Thanks :slight_smile:
Happy Coding !!