Flow chart samaj nahi aaya

sir muje flow chart me ye nahi samaj me aa raha hai ki kab kon sa box use karni hai

hi @enoughraj63_b97715fa62247b81,
Use an oval to mark the beginning and end of the program.

Use a parallelogram to show input or output. Input could be the user entering information. Output could be a message on the screen.

Use a rectangle to process an action. It could be a formula to calculate a value, or it might be a step that modifies text.

Use a diamond to make decisions. This shape will have two or more lines that come from it – one for each outcome. This step might ask a question or provide options. The result could be true or false, yes or no, or choices (red, blue, or green).

Use lines to connect the shapes. The arrows show the direction of the steps. Some lines should include labels, such as yes or no, to explain what is happening.